Play as the greatest gladiators in history! Fight deadly duels and lead your gladiator school to victory in this 2-5 player card game
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Stretchgoal smashing news
over 5 years ago
– Tue, Jun 04, 2019 at 10:23:04 AM
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An amazing start! And so much to look forward to!
over 5 years ago
– Mon, Jun 03, 2019 at 08:21:06 AM
Ave Backers!
To be honest we are a bit speechless right now as we never thought we could actually fund in less than 2days! We did really well the first day, thanks especially to all you previous backers who have come back to support the campaign a second time, (a Roman wave from the benches just for you!) - then plateaued a bit until this afternoon and we've been steadily gaining ground since then.
So we funded so that means...
XIII - The Unknown Gladiator
We get to include the Unknown Gladiator - the toughest Gladiator on the block to every copy of the game!
We named him XIII (Treize) in homage to a very famous french bande dessinee character. This guy has a very special place in the team's hearts because he was the first gladiator character that our amazing artist Anja and Justin worked on together (a mascot for the game really) and he has been paraded around at every show these past 4 years since. Astute backers will note he is also models the Active Player miniature too.
In game he is a 7' tall beast since he starts with 2 extra wounds than most other gladiators and has an attack heavy combat card deck. He also has 2 great abilities that allow him to attack a second time or to draw another attack card. This is of course also his weakness - 'overconfidence'. So any player that can successfully cope with his range of different heavy attacks should be able to get past a weaker defense and score some damage! This guy is also linked to Solo play for the game - something we will talk about in future updates.
Funding also means that we are charging headlong into the Stretchgoals!!
We are only releasing a few at a time on the list to build up a bit of suspense but we can tell you all right now we have 34 of them planned already. New gladiators, new combat moves, new sponsors, new miniature choices, maybe even new tactics for each school. An important one for us is the plastic inset tray. This is not just something that holds stuff in the box, it has to be functional. The image below shows a tray sample with very old cards (just shows how long we have been working on this!) It comes in 2 parts that can be lifted out easily from the box. We will get some updated images of how this works soon.
OLD prototype inner tray
The 1st two stretchgoals though are new combat cards that work together. RUSH is an all purpose card that can be used out of normal combat to give you an edge or put you in position for a follow up attack. QUICKSTEP therefore is one of two ways for the defending player to avoid the RUSH card that also gives the player playing it a nice quick advantage such as a follow up attack. There will likely be 4 of each of these cards going into the game.
After that its a new Sponsor available to all gladiator schools. Because sponsor cards come in sets of 6 it means we start a new set with this one - we have another 10 or so sponsor cards ready to go but some might end up as promos outside the kickstarter campaign.
Right, thats it for now, we have a map to make - you will see next time...